Our Current Project

OUR CURRENT PROJECT: We are beginning our final science unit for the year--Motion and Design. Students will work on building the best car they can, documenting their progress as they go along!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Welcome to Mrs. Katz's Fifth Grade Class Blog!

As expectations of tomorrow's leaders rise it becomes imperative to integrate technology into our classroom on an ongoing basis. We are fortunate to have access to a variety of learning tools including laptops, digital cameras, an interactive wipe board, and now iPads.

The goal of our classroom blog is to share our experiences as we embark on this new endeavor. This will be a great place for parents, staff, and community members to learn more about what is happening in our classroom. Student work will be featured as it is completed and our progress will be noted in weekly teacher posts. Please visit the blog frequently to read updates of our successes and challenges, celebrations and struggles, as technology helps us prepare for tomorrow.